We provide exceptional service levels and extra care for traveling and busy pet owners. You can be sure we are your pooches home away from home. Cozy, comfortable and with on-site staff at Citizen Canine throughout the overnight hours. Citizen Canine wants to ensure that both you and your dog are the right fit so we request that your dog must pass a temperament evaluation at CC before a reservation can be confirmed. To help ensure an easy transition when boarding, owners need to bring their dog’s food and a comfortable fitting collar.
- Breakfast service is between 6:00 am – 7:00 am
- Optional lunch service is available for puppies up to 6 months old from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
- Dinner service starts at 4:30 pm. If you pet is checking in after 4:30 pm, please ensure your dog eats at home prior to dropping off for boarding.
Allergies and Dietary Restrictions:
Please be sure to alert us and keep your pet’s account updated on our customer portal if your pet can’t have treats or has any food restrictions. We at CC strive to provide the most complete, and nurturing care to all of our guests. In an effort to do so, we keep items on hand to help enhance their stay. “If” your pet is not eating for more than 24 hours, we can add extras to their food with your approval to stimulate their appetite.” Our go to (in order): soak food in warm water, pumpkin, can food, parmesan cheese, homemade boiled chicken and rice upon request. Your choices will stay on file and be effective indefinitely, or until you submit new options to CC. Your pet’s overall happiness and wellbeing is our main concern and there is no extra charge for this service.
Feeding Rooms
Temperament Test
A temperament evaluation must be completed for first time daycare and boarding guests in order to determine if your dog will be a good fit for our social environment. This evaluation also gives your dog a chance to meet and get to know our team, facility and make friends prior to their first day care or boarding experience. The temperament evaluation is up to five hours free so your dog can spend some time with us. If your dog is not comfortable or a good fit for our social environment, we have two private suite boarding options on the second level.
Pick Up and Drop Off Hours